Melodies & Memories

Melodies & Memories tell stores that can often times be hard for us to put into words ourselves.

This setlist is a place for you to tell a snipped of your story, share a melody that connects with your heart and mind, and provide perspective for your fellow grievers.

Jealous of the Angels - Donna Taggert


"Lost my stepson to addiction. Love you kid...."


Don't Follow - Casper McWade w/ Cody Jinks (originally Alice In Chains)


"Lost my stepson to addiction. Love you kid...."


Son Goin' Down - Wes Shipp (originally Bobby Keel)


Jealous of the Angels - Donna Taggert 〰️ "Lost my stepson to addiction. Love you kid...." 〰️ Don't Follow - Casper McWade w/ Cody Jinks (originally Alice In Chains) 〰️ "Lost my stepson to addiction. Love you kid...." 〰️ Son Goin' Down - Wes Shipp (originally Bobby Keel) 〰️

In The Living Years - Mike and the Mechanics


"This song came out about the time my mom died and was special to me."


In The Living Years - Mike and the Mechanics 〰️ "This song came out about the time my mom died and was special to me." 〰️